New Google Data on Shopping Keywords

Google shares three kinds of mobile shopping queries that have grown by up to 175% over the past two years.

Brand vs NonBranded Keywords | Data Studio SEO Dashboard | Analytics in Minutes

SEO Data Studio Report Tutorial_Page 2 covers Branded vs Non-Branded Keywords.

When analyzing the results of an SEO campaign it is important to separate branded and non-branded keywords to truly understand performance and where the opportunity for optimization lies.

Learn How To:
1) Add a second page to a Data Studio Report.
2) Add a Table.
3) Create a New Field.
4) REGEX Formula for Branded vs Generic.

Analytics in Minutes is where people learn how to build Data Studio reports.
During the month of February (2021) we are building the Ultimate Search Console report – this is for every SEO.

Subscribers will be able to visualize:
– How many Keywords and Pages indexed?

– Basic KPIs: Clicks, Impressions, CTR, Conversions.
*As a date filtered scorecard, annual graph and weekly table

– Interactive Map of KPIs by region.

– Learn to filter by brand/generic, short/long tail and cluster into campaign views to attribute value (ROI)

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Can you add keywords for Google Shopping Ads? #googleshopping #googleads #onlinestore

Negative Keywords in Google Shopping – Google Shopping Training Series 2020

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In today’s video, we will be discussing Negative Keywords and their application to your Google Shopping Ads. Negative Keywords function as a way of trimming the fat on your advertising budget. There are certain keywords, you will find, that people just don’t see to buy when they search with them. Today, we are going to discuss them and how we can use the list of search terms to optimize our landing pages.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment or find me on Facebook or Instagram.


It’s been a few videos since we have done this, so please go back to your Google Ads account! Today we are going to be working on optimizing our delivery by removing specific keywords that are causing us to spend our budget without getting any results. On the left hand side of the Google Ads manager, click All campaigns. In the second column, click on campaigns. This should load up your campaign list, click on your campaign in the list. Click your ad group. Finally, click keywords and search terms in the middle column.

Here is a list of every single search phrase that has led to a click or impression. The more data that you have, the less likely you will have search data with only impressions. If you have been running a campaign for only 2 days, you will see a lot of impression search terms with no clicks. If you have been running for weeks, you will see mostly clicks. This list is incredibly important as it gives you a breakdown of every single keyword used for SHOPPERS to find your product. Let’s talk about a few words that I like to eliminate when I see them in my search data:

Near Me

Let’s talk about why those 4. If you are dropshipping you can assume that your shipping is going to be a minimum of 5 business days from order (if you have an amazing agent and a US based fulfillment center). When those 4 terms are being used inside of a search query, chances are that they want their product today or within a day or two. Have I made sales on queries that had any of those in the search? Yes, absolutely I have. Your price might make them consider waiting a few extra days as you are significantly cheaper than the alternatives. However, this is the exception, not the rule. I would almost always suggest avoiding these keywords as they have always been more expensive to get a conversion.

Now, what I do is sort the columns by cost. I like to keep the highest cost at the top and work my way down the list. Here is where things start to get difficult. What do I cut, what do I optimize, what do I keep? If your product page isn’t optimized for sales… no matter how good your campaign is and how cheap your clicks are, you aren’t getting sales. Keep that in mind when going through this. Maybe you first time through, exclude all the searches that have the Near Me, Amazon, Ebay, or Walmart in them. Go through the rest that aren’t converting and take a look at your product page. Do not go through this list and create a negative list for every word that has not provided a sale yet. This is your opportunity to improve your product descriptions just as much as it is your opportunity to improve your current advertising.

Let’s find a listing that implies a local or fast shipping purchase. Click the box to the left of the search term. At the top, you will see an option to add as a negative keyword, click that. We want to add this negative keyword to the campaign level, as we any ad groups that we add we want to not have this delivered. This means that it will be avoided during our scaling. Click save and you are done. Let’s go take a look at our negative keyword and break down some of the pieces here. Click negative keywords on the middle column and you can see the keyword that I just added to the list. There should be 4 columns here, The Keyword, The place it was added, what level it was added to and the type of match. The first three are fairly straight forward. Thats the keyword we don’t want to show up for when searched, we added the keyword to the catalog campaign for all ad groups in the campaign. The last part, match type, is incredibly important. There are three types of matches: Broad, Phrase, Exact.

Guide to Google Shopping Negative Keywords (How to Use Them)

�� Watch the entire FREE Google Shopping Course here:

In this video, you’re going to learn what Google Ads’ negative keywords are, and how to use them. We also have a free Negative Keywords List that you can access by clicking this link:

00:00 Introduction
00:40 Why add negative keywords?
01:59 How to add negative keywords to your Google Ads account
02:42 Match Types
04:39 Which negative keywords to add to your shopping campaign
08:40 N-gram Script

What are Google Shopping’s negative keywords?

Negative keywords are keywords you add to your shopping campaign to tell Google what searches not to show your products for. For example, you don’t want to show your products for searches like “free,” “discount,” or “how to” as these will be less likely to buy from you. You need to go into the campaign and add these as negative keywords so that when someone uses these words in their search, it won’t trigger our ads.

The way Google knows who to show our products to on the search results is by looking at our product feed and then showing them to people they THINK might be interested and then watching who clicks and converts. Google will then keep trying to optimize and show to more and more people that are actually looking for our products.

Now, negative keywords allow us to help guide this algorithm. Instead of Google showing our products to everyone, we can give Google a hand by telling the algorithm not to show for certain terms that are obviously terrible for our products.

At the start of your campaigns, you’ll be more focused on getting as many conversions as possible, while also not wasting unnecessary budget.

So by adding negative keywords, you can guide the algorithm to focus more on the better-converting searches while saving your money. This then allows you to spend more of your budget on better-converting searches.

�� Negative Keyword Master List ➤

�� Helpful links:
Karooya ➤

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